
Monday, March 24, 2008

The Cold War Kids comment on Detroit scandal, kinda...

I was reading a Detroit Free Press editorial on the current political mess here in Detroit and caught a pretty amusing comment string that followed the article. Here's the original comment by user OctopiAlley:

The whole city, region and state are being Hung Out to Dry after the Mayor has already fleeced the public, his family values and the image of Detroit... Gov Jenny needs to stand up and break ranks unless it's a united front for different reasons.

Now, the comment in and of itself isn't amusing. It's the fact that the user followed up his comment with another one 6 minutes later with the following:

Cold War Kids - "Hang Me Up To Dry"

It's as if the user thought of the song right as he posted the original comment and then went out to YouTube to find the song so he could share it with everyone. That's the amusing part to me. Here's another version of the video by the Cold War Kids if you'd like to check it out:

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